Landlord Link

The Position Property Rental Team is strong testament to the diligence, care and invaluable experience it takes to run a successful rental department.
With four office locations, our team of property management professionals have been selected for their expertise, local knowledge and customer-orientated outlook. Their reliability and helpful nature safeguard our clients’ valuable investments and assists tenants through their residency.
We lease properties faster than our competitors.  On average it is two weeks faster, and our rent collection systems are strong, effective and reliable. The properties under our management represent some of Brisbane’s finest houses and apartments, so we attract the best tenants. Our appetite for innovative technologies keeps our clients fully informed.

• Professional Marketing on all Major Websites.   
• Database of prospective tenants.
• Dedicated Letting and Inspection Officers.
• Detailed Routine Inspections.
• We keep your property well maintained by using qualified and licensed contractors.
• Owner statements on demand.
• All local charges and Body Corporate fees paid by rents received.

We make the process as simple as possible and we will do all the work.
Simply contact us and we will provide you with a Management Agreement, The Form 6 and a Transfer of Management letter.

We will then forward the Transfer of Management letter to your current managing agent.

Our goal is to lease your property for the highest possible price in the shortest possible time.

Please contact us for a current rental appraisal and how we can find you a suitable tenant for your property asset.

Please contact the Position Property team on 07 3325 7800.